Formal Microsoft Word Letter Template

I've put together this formal Microsoft Word letter template because I've heard the same question dozens of times whilst working in various offices:

I have to write a formal letter… How do I do that?

Most people were taught how to write a formal letter at school, but then never need to use that information until years later. It’s actually pretty simple, but I’ve seen dozens of poorly laid out letters so I thought this would make a good starting point for the Microsoft Word templates page.

Click here to download the Microsoft Word Letter template

All you need to do is fill in the address fields, the recipient’s name and sign at the bottom of the page. A lot of people don’t bother to sign their letters these days, which probably doesn’t really matter, but personally I think it looks more professional if you do. Also it only takes a few seconds, so just do it! ;)

The recipient address box at the top of the page will line up with the window in an envelope, which saves the need to print their address on the envelope. Sure you could write the address on the envelope by hand, but that looks pretty amateurish. If you’re using a standard size envelope you’ll need to fold the letter into thirds with the addresses facing outwards.

If you’re not sure you know how to write a formal letter – Don’t worry, most people don’t – that’s OK too. There’s loads of information online about writing letter, and people are much more relaxed about the format than they were twenty years ago. There’s some good information about letter writing available here, and lots more can be found from a simple Google search.

I hope you’ll find these templates useful – If you haven’t found the Microsoft Word templates you’re looking for please feel free to leave me some feedback using the form below.

Looking for more? Return to Microsoft Word Templates or the Office Software homepage

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