After several requests I've put together this simple Excel invoice template. I have also produced a Microsoft Word Invoice Template if preferred.
The template is very simple to use, and hopefully quite self-explanatory, but I thought I’d include some conventional wisdom for the benefit of anyone who hasn’t used a formal invoicing system in the past.
Download the Excel Invoice Template
As you’ll see when opening the document I’ve built the template using a number of tables – These will not display when the document is printed. I have not locked down the document at all, so you’re free to make any changes you wish to fit the template to your needs.
In order to use the template you’ll need to make a few small changes the first time, which can then be saved so that you have a standard template that you can use in future. To start with you’ll need to add your company name and address details to the top of the page – Just replace the holding text I’ve included with your companies details. You’ll also need to edit the text at the bottom of the page, so replace the holding text there with your company name, payment terms and contact details.
If you live in the UK, as I do, you’ll need to make a further change to the template – Replace the words ‘Sales tax’ in the middle of the page with ‘VAT’.
· Familiarise yourself with the relevant tax legislation for your country – For example in the UK you will need to include your companies VAT registration number if you have one.
· Provide the invoice at the time of delivery for hard goods, or up front for services. If you wait until later and then provide an invoice which requests payments within a certain number of days you’re providing your customer with an unofficial payment extension.
· Its good practice to follow up an invoice with a phone call, to ensure the customer has understood what’s required of them – This is good customer service in any case so just do it!
· Some companies choose to print their terms and references on the back of each invoice. This is quite a formal approach so you may want to use discretion, particularly if you are running a small business.
· Consider your processes for collection of payments, late payments and non-payment of invoices. I suggest that you make these a high priority, as small queries from clients can otherwise lead to significant delays in payment. Keep a record of all such delays! You may also want to offer a ‘prompt payment discount’ of perhaps 1-5%, or some other similar incentive; Cash flow is king for small businesses!
I hope that you’ve found this Excel invoice template useful – please let me know your thoughts by completing the feedback form at the bottom of the page.
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